Bring the world of high-stakes soccer to life with the Isagi Yoichi 3D Model, inspired by the iconic protagonist of Blue Lock. Perfect for anime fans, collectors, and hobbyists, this dynamic STL captures the determination and skill of the aspiring striker who dreams of being the best in the world.
- Dynamic Pose: Isagi is portrayed mid-action, channeling his focus and passion, perfect for display or tabletop scenarios.
- Intricate Detailing: From his Blue Lock uniform to his intense expression, every detail reflects Isagi’s character and drive for greatness.
- Versatile Scale: Ideal for display, anime dioramas, or as part of your sports-themed collection.
“Enjoy instant access after purchase—no waiting required!
This is a digital download of a 3D STL file for 3D printers; no physical product will be shipped.
After completing your purchase, you’ll receive an email with a link to download your file (be sure to check your spam folder). Alternatively, you can access it through your customer account by navigating to Your Account > Order History > Data and clicking on the item name to download the file.
IMPORTANT: You will download a zipped text or PDF file containing the product’s Google Drive download link. To extract RAR files, use WinRAR.”
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