Embark on the dark and thrilling journey of the Buu Saga with this Dragon Ball Miniatures Pack – Part 1! This STL collection introduces the sinister Babidi and his fearsome minions, along with iconic characters from the early stages of the saga. Perfect for tabletop games, dioramas, or Dragon Ball Z collections, these highly detailed miniatures capture the intensity and drama of the Z Fighters’ battle against Babidi’s evil forces. Designed for 3D printing, the pack includes pre-supported and unsupported options for ultimate flexibility.
Characters from the Buu Saga Part 1:
- Pui Pui – Babidi’s arrogant warrior stands confidently, ready to prove his strength in combat.
- Videl – The brave and determined Videl, dressed in her martial arts uniform, strikes a fighting stance as she joins the fray.
- Yakon – The menacing beast Yakon, with his sharp claws and terrifying aura, is prepared to drain the light from his enemies.
- Yamu – The crafty Yamu, one of Babidi’s followers, stands ready to carry out his master’s sinister plans.
- Golden Warrior (Gohan) – Gohan, as the mysterious Golden Warrior, radiates power and confidence in his heroic form.
- Babidi – The evil wizard Babidi, with his sinister grin and staff in hand, is ready to unleash chaos upon the universe.
- Dabura – The Demon King Dabura, Babidi’s most powerful servant, poses with his sword, exuding menace and strength.
- Spopovich – The corrupted and enhanced Spopovich, with his brutish strength, stands ready to crush any opponent in his way.
Pre-Supported & Un-Supported Options:
- Pre-Supported Models: Each miniature includes pre-supported files, ensuring smooth printing with minimal preparation.
- Un-Supported Models: For those who prefer full control over their print settings, unsupported versions are also included.
“Enjoy instant access after purchase—no waiting required!
This is a digital download of a 3D STL file for 3D printers; no physical product will be shipped.
After completing your purchase, you’ll receive an email with a link to download your file (be sure to check your spam folder). Alternatively, you can access it through your customer account by navigating to Your Account > Order History > Data and clicking on the item name to download the file.
IMPORTANT: You will download a zipped text or PDF file containing the product’s Google Drive download link. To extract RAR files, use WinRAR.”
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